Fate of Elodia


Between Fate & Failure

Book One | Fate of Elodia

Magic is dying, and only a twist of fate can save it.​

Elodia’s magic depends on the lineage of Fae blood present in the royal family, but with the Fae wiped out, that magic is dying. In a desperate attempt to save and restore magic, the royal family is forced to look outside the normal line of noble families to find someone with enough magical Fae blood to save the kingdom's magic.

Freya was never meant for the palace. She’s a simple farming girl, but when the palace discovered she has the coveted golden blood of the Fae, her fate was all but sealed. The plan was that she would marry the cocky prince Tybalt when she turned twenty-one, but when the current king’s health starts to fail, that wedding date gets bumped up a couple years.

Ty made the mistake of believing he could mold his own fate, only for his plans to be destroyed when the “perfect” bride was found. Even though he wants nothing more than to save his kingdom’s magic and live up to his dying father’s expectations, marrying the totally inappropriate and unprepared Freya isn’t exactly how he imagined things going.

Now the two of them must prove to the rest of the kingdom that they’re suitable to rule by going on a pre-ceremony tour, accompanied by Elodia’s top assassin, Bastion. When attacks from a magic-hating cult derail their trip, all three must learn to trust and rely on each other, forming bonds they only previous dreamed of, bonds that will be very hard to break.

Content Warnings: This book is meant for an adult audience and contains adult language, adult content, and adult situations. View a complete list of warnings here.


The Fortune of Fractured Fate

Book Two | Fate of Elodia

Prince Tybalt thought he found his answer with Freya, but thanks to his mother’s surprise revelation, everything is up in the air again. He’s once again suffering a broken heart, but this time he has the perfect distraction—a plot to take his throne.

When he and his cousin, Klarissa, start investigating the suspicious circumstances surrounding his mother’s decision with the help of their resident priest, they uncover a plot far darker and more dangerous than they originally suspected. Unfortunately, the best way to unravel the effects of the events at play requires someone who is no longer at the palace, and getting them back may mean directly defying the queen.

Meanwhile, Freya and Bash are working hard to bring down the magic hating cult member by member. They quickly discover that the influences of the cult reach further than they previously expected, and destroying the cult means facing their pasts. As they navigate their discoveries, they also must navigate their growing feelings for each other, which presents issues of its own. Every day brings new challenges and risks, and every time they think they have things figured out, a new, darker discovery is made.

Time is running out for everyone, and if a solution can’t be put into action by the next Fae moon, everything as they know it will change forever and Elodia will fall to darkness, never to rise again.

Content Warnings: This book is meant for an adult audience and contains adult language, adult content, and adult situations. View a complete list of warnings here.