ARC Team

ARC team members will receive a free ebook copy of Between Fate & Failure. If possible, reviews should be left on or before the release date which is currently estimated to be July 30th. Depending on the number of applicants, not everyone who applies may be selected to be part of the team. (But most will be.) Make sure to follow along on social media or sign up for my newsletter so you don't miss the announcement when ARCs are sent out, but everyone who is accepted should receive an email from BookFunnel around May 15th with ARC download information.

*All ebook copies will have been professionally edited but may contain some minor errors that will hopefully be caught in the final proofreading process. If you are selected to join the ARC team and find a mistake, feel free to notify me at my official author email:

3D book cover for Between Fate and Failure against a dark background with white arrows pointing outward to tropes

Please note that this book is meant for an adult audience and contains adult language, adult content, and adult situations. It also mentions anxiety attacks, a sick/dying parent, blood/injuries, battles/fight scenes with death, vomiting, and drunkenness/consumption of alcohol. For a more complete list of content warnings check here.